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(The Elmira Star-Gazette posted the following article on its website on January 4.)

ELMIRA, N.Y. — U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., announced today he plans to reintroduce railroad safety and security legislation that would direct millions of dollars in new funding to improve rail infrastructure.

The comprehensive legislation, the Rail Crossing and Hazardous Materials Transport Act, follows on the heels of week’s derailment of two tanker cars containing butane in the Gang Mills rail yard, Schumer said in a news release issued today.

That incident could be just the tip of the iceberg if the federal government doesn’t move quickly to improve freight rail infrastructure in the Southern Tier and across the country, Schumer said. Norfolk Southern has already increased freight train speeds through Elmira, he said.

“There are still serious doubts out whether or not Elmira’s rails, bridges and overpasses will be able handle the increased speeds, and this accident shows we shouldn’t be taking any chances,” Schumer said. “We need a real plan to protect our communities and tougher penalties for railroad companies who disregard our safety.”

Earlier, a federal inspection conducted at Schumer’s urging revealed no issues with the city’s viaducts.

Norfolk Southern has said repeatedly that trains traveling through Elmira at 50 mph pose no more of a safety concern than when the trains passed through at 30 mph.