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Brother Scott Bunten (fourth from right) with members, both in-person and virtual, of the NS Eastern Lines GCA at their quadrennial meeting in late April.

General Chairman Scott R. Bunten was reelected at the quadrennial meeting of the NS Eastern Lines General Committee of Adjustment, which was held in hybrid format in Roanoke, Virginia, on April 29, 2024. Brother Bunten began serving as General Chairman on January 1, 2023, following the election of L. Randy Fannon to the office of National Vice President.

The NS Eastern Lines General Committee of Adjustment represents more than 750 active and retired members from 12 different BLET Divisions.

Also elected were: First Vice General Chairman Patrick J. Jennings, Division 301 (Roanoke, Va.); Second Vice General Chairman Michael S. Necessary, Division 37 (Norton/Andover, Va.); Third Vice General Chairman Lonnie J. Swigert, Division 292 (Beach City, Ohio); Fourth Vice General Chairman Jeremy R. Peacock, Division 279 (Columbus, Ind.); Secretary-Treasurer Donald L. Young, Division 301 (Roanoke Va.); and Alternate Secretary-Treasurer Joshua A. Wickline, Division 301 (Roanoke Va.). Brothers S.J. Poe, Division 79 (Columbus, Ohio), George D. Moore Jr., Division 301 (Roanoke, Va.), and Kevin J. Helton, Division 292 (Beach City, Ohio), were elected to serve as Trustees.

Brother Bunten is a fourth-generation railroader who hired out with NS in 2004. He earned promotion to locomotive engineer in 2012 and joined BLET Division 301 (Roanoke, Va.) in 2011. He was Local Chairman of the Roanoke District of Division 301 from 2014 until the end of 2022.