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(Source: CBC News, February 4, 2020)

CALGARY — One year after a Canadian Pacific Rail derailment in Field, B.C., that killed three men, families of two of the victims are asking CP employees who may have information about what happened to speak out. The families say they aren’t sure the truth will come out after they saw a recent documentary by CBC’s The Fifth Estate. In it, a police officer who investigated the accident alleged that he suspected a “coverup” by the railway company after he says they shut his investigation down early. “The only way to make any kind of changes to prevent horrible things like this from happening in the future is for more people to step out of their comfort zone,” said Pam Fraser. Fraser’s son, Dylan Paradis, 33, was killed, along with engineer Andrew Dockrell, 56, and trainee Daniel Waldenberger-Bulmer, 26, on Feb. 4, 2019, when the brakes on CP Train 301 failed. The train flew off the tracks, crashing into the side of a mountain before falling into the river below. “Search your hearts, are you afraid to go to work or are you afraid at work? Then perhaps it really is time for you to speak out.”

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