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(Source: Teamster Nation, February 15, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Lackeys for out-of-state billionaires on Tuesday threatened to cut off Missouri lawmakers’ funding if they don’t pass the No Rights At Work bill pending in the Legislature.

Progress Missouri released a secret audio of a strategy session held in a government hearing room. Legislators were meeting with representatives of two groups pushing the anti-worker bill: the National Tax Limitation Committee and the West Michigan Policy Forum. The first group was founded by a California plutocrat and the tobacco industry, the second by Amway heir Dick DeVos, who was instrumental in passing No Rights At Work in Michigan.

We Party Patriots shares the highlights of the one hour, 20 minute meeting. The recording makes it clear that the recent wave of No Rights At Work legislation was ordered up by a network of billionaires and CEOs through the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC.

Full story and audio: Teamster Nation