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(The Meridian Star posted the following article on its website on August 6.)

MERIDIAN, Miss. — United States Senators Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) have reached a deal with Senate leaders to bring up the lawmakers’ landmark legislation to strengthen and reform the nation’s passenger rail system.

The Lott/Lautenberg Amtrak legislation will provide $11.4 billion over the next six years for Amtrak capital improvements and a new state grant program for passenger rail infrastructure. Under the agreement reached Thursday, the bill will likely go to the Senate floor in September when the Senate returns from its August recess.

“If our economy is to continue to be the world’s best, we must invest in transportation for the long term,” Lott said. “Looking at the uncertainties of our energy supply, the terrorist threat, and congested airports and highways, and considering the rapid rail advancements being made by other nations, I believe we must continue national rail passenger service.”

Lautenberg said: “Record gas prices, increased highway traffic congestion, and airport delays make it more important than ever to strengthen our nation’s passenger rail system. Our bill will allow Amtrak to help states develop new corridors for improved rail service.”

The Senate has not considered Amtrak Reauthorization legislation since 1997.