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(Source: Teamster Nation, October 31, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much of your money is being spent to elect anti-worker politicians to office?

If you have any retirement savings, you probably own stock in a public corporation. And the CEOs of those corporations can spend your money however they wish on politics — without telling you.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, corporations have been pouring millions of dollars into shadowy groups to influence elections. In the 2012 election, up to $400 million was funneled into these “dark money” groups — that’s 500 percent more than in the previous presidential election before Citizens United.

More often than not, that corporate money is being spent to elect anti-worker candidates to public office.

A new SEC rule being considered would require publicly traded companies to disclose to shareholders the corporate funds spent on political campaigns.

Full story: Teamster Nation