FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The Associated Press circulated the following story on March 30.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Treasury Secretary John Snow, a former railroad executive, was paid a base salary of $129,404 by CSX Corp. in 2003, according to a company filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday.

Snow retired from his job as chairman and chief executive officer of the railroad company last February to take over the helm at Treasury. Snow was paid a base salary of $1.25 million in 2002 and received a salary of $1.20 million in 2001, the company’s filing said.

In addition to his salary, Snow also received $114,559 in other annual compensation in 2003, according to the filing. That compared with $336,140 in 2002 and $397,535 in 2001.