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(The Associated Press circulated the following article on August 10.)

WASHINGTON — In the nation’s capital, the subway system is increasing security today. In New York, it’s business as usual.

Across the world, transit systems are reacting differently to word of an alleged plot to blow up flight between Britain and the U.S.

In Washington, a transit authority spokeswoman insists there’s no threat against their trains — but they’re ramping up security anyway and doing random station sweeps. They also closed all the public bathrooms.

But in New York, Mayor Mike Bloomberg says the city’s alert level remains the same it’s been since the day the World Trade Center was hit. He says the normal random bag checks at subway stations remain in place.

Amtrak also says it’s not raising its security alert.

But in Britain, the entire transportation network is on high alert. It was just over a year ago that 52 people died when bombers hit London subways and a bus.