FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following story by Jeff Bolichowsk appeared on The Windsor Star website on June 28, 2010.)

WINDSOR — A possible train strike was averted late Saturday night as Via Rail and the CAW reached a tentative agreement.

Bob Chernecki, who is in charge of the negotiations, said the deal was reached around 10:30 p.m. after a marathon negotiating session.

Via spokeswoman Catherine Kaloutsky said the two sides had been at the table since June 21.

The pact must now be ratified by Via’s 2,200 CAW-represented workers at stations, maintenance centres, on-board trains and phone sales offices across Canada. “I feel great about it,” said Chernecki.

“The normal customers of this important passenger service can rest easy.”

Chernecki declined to release details of the agreement until it’s ratified but said it would be good for three years.

He said both wages and benefits, though, were addressed.

Many concessions the company asked for, he said, were dropped, allowing the talks to go forward.

“The corporation recognized that we are absolutely dead set about not bowing to the pressure of the concessions,” he said.

“It’s an excellent agreement on behalf of our members, but it is balanced.”

The Star reported earlier this week that the union was seeking unspecified wage increases, with training and apprenticeship programs and seniority rights also at issue.

Had a settlement not been reached, rail workers could have been on the picket lines after midnight Sunday. But Kaloutsky said a reduced service would have been run by conductors and managers.