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(The following appeared on The Journal of Commerce website on May 5, 2011.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional staff on the House Transportation and Infrastructure is making progress drafting legislative language of what could become the panel’s six-year surface transportation bill, said Chairman John Mica, R-Fla.

That sets up a schedule under which the committee could complete behind-the-scenes work later this month, and pass a bill around the end of May or in early June.

Mica told The Journal of Commerce that T&I staff had been preparing a draft since before Congress departed in mid-April for an Easter recess. Lawmakers returned to Washington and their committee work this week, and Mica said he was preparing to review staff progress on the transportation bill.

He said the timing to introduce a chairman’s version of the bill, known as a “chairman’s mark,” could be near the end of May. But the schedule for committee action would depend partly on his consultations with ranking Democrat Nick Rahall, W. Va., and others.

Rahall told the JOC he has not yet seen draft legislative language from Mica or the Republican staff, but will work with Mica from the chairman’s plan to help shape a committee bill.

Mica said he has discussed rail infrastructure issues with Vice President Joseph Biden, a major advocate of passenger rail system development, but has not discussed financing options for the legislation with either Biden or Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

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