FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following letter from Teamsters Canada Rail Conference President Gilles Hallé appeared on the TCRC website on July 1.)

OTTAWA — Brothers and Sisters the memorandum of settlement signed with CN Rail on May 18, 2005 has been approved by a clear and overall majority of the Membership.

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the whole negotiation committee and Thanks all of you for your support and patience during these negotiations. It was certainly not an easy decision to opt for a long term contract but it was the best way to meet both yours and the membership expectation.

Also please be advised that the Memorandum of Settlement for the Northern Quebec Line have also been approved by the Membership of the affected Divisions

The result speaks by itself. We can certainly say mission accomplished.

Again on behalf of the entire negotiation committee – Thanks for your support.

Fraternally and in Solidarity

Gilles Hallé