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(Source: Teamster Nation, February 19, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Extreme anti-worker lawmakers in Missouri say they’re set to strike to pass No Rights At Work and paycheck deception bills.

Secret recordings reveal how these so-called representatives of the people are emboldened by greedy billionaires and CEOs. Their lackeys came to Jefferson City to promise campaign cash and plenty of propaganda to give them cover.

We Are Missouri is asking all Missourians to call their legislators today and ask them to oppose No Rights At Work and paycheck deception bills.

Dial 1-888-907-9711, listen to the message and enter your Zip Code to be connected to your legislator.

Tell them to vote No on “right-to-work” and paycheck deception and focus on creating jobs, not taking jobs from the middle class.

Full story: Teamster Nation