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(Source: Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) press release, February 10, 2022)

MONTREAL — The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) has served a Notice of Dispute to the Minister of Labor under the Canada Labor Code in accordance with the Canada Labor Code regarding its dispute with CP Rail. The main issues at hand include wages, benefits and pensions.

The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference is conducting a strike vote among its more than 3,000 Locomotive Engineers, Conductors, Trainpersons and Yardpersons. The strike vote results will be tabulated in late February.

The Minister of Labor has appointed a conciliator/mediator to support the process. Representatives from the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference and CP Rail are currently meeting with the conciliator.

A legal work stoppage can only take place 21 days after the conciliation process is complete.

The Teamsters Union represents the interests of 125,000 members in Canada, 16,000 of whom work in rail transportation. They are affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which has 1.4 million members in North America.