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(Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters press release, March 16, 2016)

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Teamsters Local 175 has voted to endorse Booth Goodwin for governor of West Virginia.

“The Teamsters recognize that our endorsement for governor this year is critical. We are certain that Booth Goodwin is the right choice for our union and for our state,” said Ken Hall, President of Teamsters Local 175 and General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. “The Teamsters know that our endorsement will have the full force of our members behind it.”

Goodwin’s platform calls for West Virginia to invest in itself and its people. He is committed to rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Goodwin emphasizes that “bringing our infrastructure into the 21st century will require skilled, sustained employment allowing West Virginians to earn a fair wage with benefits to support a solid middle-class lifestyle.”

This year, Goodwin stood under the dome with Teamsters in opposition to the union-busting legislation which he says is “turning back the clock and sending West Virginia down the wrong path.” He pledges that as governor he “will repeal the anti-worker laws just passed” and “look to a future devoted to improving the quality of life of each West Virginian.”

“We know that Booth Goodwin has the brains and the courage to fight the special interests who are trying to lead us back to low wages and dependency. His experience as U.S. Attorney, locking up those who callously and selfishly hurt our families and our workers, is proof of his dedication to the working men and women of this state,” said Frank Wade, a route salesman at Pepsi and a 39-year Teamster. “Booth has demonstrated time and again that he acts out of conscience and with integrity.”

“Booth Goodwin is committed to getting West Virginia working. He is committed to building a bright future where our children not only want to, but can stay and support their families with good-paying jobs with benefits,” said Jeff Grubb, a UPS package driver and 23-year Teamster.