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(The BLET’s Pennsylvania State Legislative Board issued the following on December 5.)

HARRISBURG, Pa. — “It’s time for Pennsylvania to make sure our rail infrastructure, passenger and freight operations are secure against invasive threats to the system, “Ken Kertesz, Chairman of the PA State Legislative Board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (PSLB BLET) said this week following reports of al-Qaeda plans to attack the rail system in and around New York City, as well as the widespread terrorist attacks on India’s financial center in Mumbai over the holiday weekend.

According to press reports, at least 10 locations were attacked in India, beginning with Mumbai’s central railway station where a fusillade of bullets left the floor of the main hall littered with bodies and pools of blood.

At the same time, New York City police bolstered security in subways and on trains in and around New York City following an FBI alert that al-Qaeda suicide bombers were contemplating an attack on the City’s mass-transit systems during the holiday season. An internal memo obtained by the Associated Press stated the FBI has received a plausible but unsubstantiated report of al-Qaeda terrorists planning an attack on our rail systems.

“We have been addressing Pennsylvania rail security needs in conjunction with the legislature, other unions, rail management and our Legislative Board. We will soon recommend a series of security measures to build state-level capacity in rail safet y and security similar to systems in New Jersey and California,” Kertesz said. “Rail passenger and freight security is a state and local responsibility as well as a national concern.”

A series of security recommendations will be presented to the press and legislature based on recent research as well as ongoing discussions of a state rail security task force. “The extent and diversity of our rail infrastructure and operations require a diverse approach to security.” Kertesz added. “Effective prevention and response is essential to minimize casualties and economic damage resulting from rail safety and security incidents.”

The Pennsylvania Legislative Board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) represents some 1500 employees of Class I Freight Railroads: Norfolk Southern, Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and CSXT, as well as passenger trains Amtrak and SEPTA. The PA BLET merged with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and is also a member of the PA AFL-CIO. More information on the PA BLET can be found by going to its website at: