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LONDON — The Associated Press reports that train drivers have named Dec. 14-15 and Dec. 21-22 as the strike dates in separate disputes over pay, Aslef said.

The First North Western drivers held 48-hour strikes every weekend between September and late October, causing major delays and detours for travelers in northwestern England.

The union suspended the strikes last month so its 750 members could vote on a new pay offer of 19%. Drivers rejected the offer by 62% to 38%.

Wales & Borders drivers voted by 80% to hold the first strikes in their pay dispute.

Over the past year, the U.K.’s privatized rail system has been hit by a series of short, localized strikes over pay and safety.

First North Western, based in Manchester, operates 1,500 trains daily in northwestern England and north Wales.

Wales & Borders operates 250 trains a day in Wales and central and southwestern England.