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LONDON — The Associated Press reports that train drivers in northern England walked off the job Saturday for the second in a series of weekend strikes over their continuing pay dispute.

Train company First North Western said it would run more than 200 buses to replace rail services that have been cancelled because of the 48-hour walkout by members of the Aslef union.

“We are doing our utmost to provide suitable replacement services across our network,” said Vernon Barker, First North Western managing director, as he urged passengers to travel only if necessary.

Aslef has scheduled strikes every weekend, beginning midnight Friday, from Sept. 28 to Nov. 24.

Train drivers have rejected the offer of a 19 percent pay rise over three years, saying there are unacceptable conditions attached.

First North Western travels to and from northwestern cities including Manchester, Liverpool and Blackpool.

Over the last year, Britain’s privatized rail system has been hit by a series of short, localized strikes over pay and safety.