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(Source: Teamster Nation, March 10, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — TPP stands for “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” but what it really means is “Taking Power from the People.”

It’s described as a trade deal with Pacific Rim nations, because people think “trade” is something good.

It isn’t about trade at all. It’s about giving giant corporations more power.

We’ve harped on how the TPP will destroy U.S. dairy farms, throw dairy workers out of their jobs and make milk more dangerous to drink. That’s because the deal will empower New Zealand’s dairy monopoly to dump milk, cheese and butter onto the U.S. market.

In other words, the TPP would put the interest of a foreign corporation above the interests of American citizens. If the U.S. government decided to impose tariffs on New Zealand milk because it isn’t as healthy as American milk, that New Zealand corporation could expect to win damages from U.S. taxpayers in a trade tribunal.

Think of it as a global Citizens United, only worse. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision declaring that corporations are people and have the same rights as citizens. The TPP says corporations have more rights than governments.

Full story: Teamster Nation