FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared at on February 17, 2010.)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Transportation Security Administration officers conducted security checks at the Amtrak train station in Downtown Orlando on Wednesday.

The checks involved bomb-sniffing dogs, an explosive trace detection machine and behavior detection officers. In addition, luggage was checked with portable X-ray machines.

Although federal law requires 100 percent screening of luggage and passengers at airports, security is not as stringent on other modes of transportation. Authorities said TSA, along with other agencies, periodically conducts checks at train and bus stations.

“You always come across things,” said John Daly, federal security director. “For example, at a Greyhound terminal last week, we had folks actually boarding buses trying to bring machetes, handguns and knives on buses, which is a potential threat to the security of passengers.”

Some passengers said they were relieved to see security agents patrolling the station.

“I was happy to see it,” said one passenger, whose purse was checked.

On Wednesday, TSA agents confiscated a box cuter a plumber had in his tool kit. Authorities said they have done 12 security checks at train and bus stations in the last six months in central Florida.