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(Source: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) press release, February 26, 2019)

ERIE, Pa. — On February 26, 2019, approximately 1,700 members of UE Locals 506 and 618 went on strike to preserve decent wages and working conditions at the GE Transportation locomotive plant in Erie, Pa. Their new employer, Wabtec, took over the business on February 25 and imposed “terms and conditions” that include mandatory overtime and arbitrary schedules, wage reductions of up to 38 percent for recalled and newly-hired workers, and the right to use temporary workers for up to 20 percent of the work in the plant.

The UE negotiating committee worked long into Tuesday morning but were not able to convince the company to negotiate an acceptable short-term agreement that preserves the wages, benefits, and working conditions negotiated with GE over the past eight decades.

“We are extremely disappointed that the company could not see its way to agree to continue the terms and conditions that we have worked under for decades. Their refusal leaves us with no choice but to go out on strike to protect our members’ and our children’s future,” said Scott Slawson, President of UE Local 506.

Karlene Torrance of UE Local 618 said, “We are gratified by the outpouring of support we have received from our friends, neighbors, and community in Erie. We will need their support now more than ever.”