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LONDON — Rail workers in the north of England have announced a 48-hour walkout over pay – the first dispute for the new Transport Secretary Alistair Darling, according to The Telegraph.

The latest in a series of strikes by members of the Rail Maritime and Transport union at Arriva Trains Northern began at 9pm last night.

The station and retail staff have already launched several strikes over the past few months in protest at a 4% pay rise offer.

RMT conductors at the same company are planning two 24-hour walkouts next month. Meanwhile, the threat of an industrial action ballot among London Underground workers is looming after talks over safety broke down.

Bob Crow, the RMTs general secretary, complained that LU had failed to consult the union over the safety case for the transfer of parts of the system to the private sector.

He warned that unless he received an “acceptable timetable” for consultation, the union would be in dispute. LU said the RMT had asked for a further year’s consultation which was “impractical and unnecessary.”