FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

EDINBURGH , Scotland — According to a wire service, train drivers in Scotland accepted a 14 percent pay raise Thursday, ending the threat of more walkouts which have crippled train services across Scotland in recent weeks.

The announcement follows several days of negotiations between ScotRail and representatives of the train drivers’ unions Aslef, who voted 398 to 242 in favor of the deal.

ScotRail’s acting managing director Nick Brown said the ballot result was good news but that it would take time for the company to return to its full timetable because of a backlog in driver training.

The rail firm has been running a reduced timetable during the five-month dispute during which drivers refused to work overtime or train new drivers, and went on strike for four days.

ScotRail said the deal was based on a 3 percent “no strings” increase plus a further 11 percent for productivity gains.