FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(Houston television station KHOU posted the following story on its website on March 3.)

HOUSTON — Several Protestors carrying signs marched next to a busy Union Pacific railroad yard in Northwest Houston this morning. They say the wanted to educate the public about possible dangers if the railway system decides to do away with conductors, and run their trains by remote control.

Protestors say unmanned trains could increase the possibility of accidents, chemical spills and even terrorism.

Dozens of protestors gathered in Old Town Spring to protest against Union Pacific Railroad. They oppose the technology being implemented by the railroad that would allow trains to be run by remote control.

According to the conductors, it not only dangerous for them, it also poses serious threats to these communities.

Men, women and children, carrying signs, marched in front of one of Old Town Spring’s Union Pacific busy railway intersection to inform passersby that unmanned locomotives are unsafe.

Ron Sakorsky claims Union Pacific is quietly introducing the remote control devices for trains without the public s knowledge. And they are doing it in neighborhoods all over Houston and Harris County.

“They are going to operate these locomotives from a remote location, a small box and they are going to be handling hazardous materials, explosives nuclear waste possiblyin your communities, and we think it is irresponsible at this time to implement such a technology with the current situation in this world,” he said.

Kathy Yambra, wife of a local engineer for Union Pacific and legislative representative to most of the conductors, stated how easily a terrorist could take over on of these trains.

“These remote control devices are similar to what your children play with when they play with remote control cars, she said. Any terrorist can override those radio frequencies and take control of these trains, and we all know after September 11 what a danger this can be and we need the public to know and be aware of it.”

All morning long, Union Pacific Guards were on-site to ensure no one trespassed on to their property. When asked if they would like to comment about these allegations, they declined.

According to these protestors, an unmanned locomotive is an open invitation to terrorism, vandalism and trespassing.