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(Source: Teamster Nation, October 22, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Social Security, the program that provides over half of American seniors a majority of their income, is more important than ever. Across America, nearly 58 billion workers and their families rely on Social Security every month to pay the bills.

But once again, the greedy billionaires behind Fix the Debt are trying to cut Social Security benefits so they don’t have to pay their fair share of taxes. They don’t care that Social Security keeps millions out of poverty. They don’t care that it’s essential to sustaining what’s left of the middle class.

The greedy billionaires are now trying to persuade Congress to cut Social Security (and probably Medicare) when they meet in three months to discuss budget cuts. They’re trying to disguise it by calling it “chained CPI,” which is nothing but jargon for “cuts.”

Unions are out front warning Americans of the looming threat — just like the last time the billionaires tried to push the cuts through Congress.

Full story and video: Teamster Nation