FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The National Transportation Safety Board issued the following news release on January 3.)

WASHINGTON — The National Transportation Safety Board continues to investigate the November 30, 2006 accident in which two Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) track inspectors were struck by a train and killed near the Eisenhower Avenue Metro station in Alexandria, Virginia. The following is an update on that investigation.

The field portion of the investigation is being wrapped up. The sight distance test was completed in early December. Investigators have recordings and transcripts of radio conversations between the train operator and dispatchers and are reviewing them. A security camera video from the station platform that shows the accident is being enhanced. Follow-up interviews with the operator and supervisory personnel have been held.

The investigating team is reviewing WMATA rules and procedures in place at the time of the accident and any changes since then. It will review any changes being contemplated, if appropriate. Investigators will be completing interviews with family members of the two track workers to document their activities in the 72 hours before the accident. The NTSB is conducting an engineering study of train braking capabilities to overlay with sight distance measurements.

Factual reports will be developed and placed in the public docket at a later time.

Any persons who witnessed the accident are asked to contact Metro Transit Police at 202-962-2121.