FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The United Transportation Union issued the following news release on March 2.)

LAKEWOOD, Ohio — United Transportation Union Assistant President Paul C. Thompson will assume the duties of the Office of President of the UTU following the March 2 decision of the UTU International Executive Board to suspend from office President Byron A. Boyd Jr. The UTU Constitution provides for Thompson’s elevation.

The International Executive Board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution and ordered he be “suspended” from office “without wages” and “for the duration of your current term.” The board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution with regard to hiring and directing of UTU employee Ralph Dennis, who pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of racketeering, fraud, bribery and embezzlement. Dennis awaits sentencing.

The board also ruled Boyd’s suspension “will automatically be revoked” and that Boyd would be reinstated with all lost wages if he is found not guilty of federal criminal charges currently pending in Houston, Texas, or if the charges are dismissed. That trial is scheduled to begin March 22.