FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following story by Bruce Constantineau appeared on the Vancouver Sun website on April 17, 2009.)

VANCOUVER — About 100 Olympic Games bus drivers will sleep in VIA Rail cars in Vancouver next year if the railway successfully concludes a proposed deal with Alberta-based Brewster Inc.

VIA Rail representative Malcolm Andrews said Thursday the two sides are discussing an arrangement to have the drivers use six or seven sleeping cars that would be based at Pacific Central Station during the Games.

He said discussions have gone well but have not concluded and the outcome might depend on the drivers’ union accepting the kind of accommodations VIA can offer.

Brewster will provide a bus shuttle service between Vancouver and Whistler during the Games. Company representative Joanna Buckingham said the firm still hasn’t determined its final plans for Olympic Games accommodation.

Andrews said VIA is also negotiating with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra for the use of a VIA train during a cross-Canada tour next year that will end up in Vancouver during the Games.