FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared on the Progressive Railroading website on August 5.)

During 2008’s first six months, VIA Rail Canada Inc. posted ridership and revenue gains of 9.8 percent and 6.7 percent, respectively, compared with the same 2007 period.

The agency experienced the biggest passenger swing in the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor, where ridership rose 10.3 percent.

VIA Rail’s customer satisfaction rating rose, too. According to passenger surveys conducted throughout the year’s first half, 96.1 percent of passengers said the agency met or exceeded their expectations.

However, the railroad’s on-time performance (OTP) wasn’t quite up to par in the first half. Long delays caused by severe winter weather, freight traffic congestion, infrastructure repairs and equipment problems resulted in an OTP of 65 percent. VIA Rail has been working with freight railroads to reduce delays and improving infrastructure and rolling stock, and the OTP is heading up. In June, the performance metric stood at 85 percent.