FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared on the Montreal Gazette website on February 245, 2010.)

MONTREAL — A VIA Rail passenger train derailed early Thursday morning at St. Charles de Bellechasse, on the south shore of Quebec City.

About 10 passengers suffered minor injuries and shock in the mishap, according to media reports.

The train engineer was also injured when his locomotive upended in the back yard of a home alongside the tracks. The residents were shaken by the incident but not injured.

The accident occured about 4:45 a.m. as westbound train No. 15 headed to Montreal from Halifax. The cause of the derailment is still unknown.

A bus has been brought in to transport passengers the rest of the way to Montreal.

VIA says there were about 120 passengers and 10 crew members aboard the train, wihich had two locomotives and seven cars.

The rail company has set up a toll-free information number (1-877-747-0707) for passengers, family members and friends.