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WASHINGTON — Edward R. Hamberger, President and CEO of the Association of American Railroads, issued the following statement yesterday regarding the Senates vote to invoke cloture on the Railroad Retirement reform legislation:

“We’d like to thank the U.S. Senate for taking an important step today toward modernizing the Railroad Retirement System. By invoking cloture, they voted to allow the reform legislation to come to the Senate floor where it can be voted up or down on its merits.

“This legislation is urgently needed by railroad employees, retirees and companies. It will provide widows and widowers of railroad employees with an average of $300 per month in additional benefits while at the same time giving the railroad industry more responsibility for the system’s financial health.

“While several important steps remain — including a Senate floor vote — we are very hopeful this legislation will become law in the near future. The legislation has already passed the House by a vote of 384-33 and has 75 cosponsors in the Senate. It also has the support of organizations representing railroad labor, railroad retirees and railroad companies.”