FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The Associated Press circulated the following story on April 14.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Amtrak’s president says last month’s rush-hour train attacks in Spain could happen in the United States.

David Gunn describes the nation’s busiest rail stations as “swiss cheese.” He tells WTOP Radio that while airports have one choke point for passengers, train stations have many exits and entrances – making it difficult to funnel passengers into a group and screen them.

Amtrak’s president also notes that many passengers at urban rail stations first board trains in the suburbs – where there isn’t as much security and people often wait at open-air platforms.

Still, Gunn says there are things that can be done to protect logical targets, but he wouldn’t get into specifics.

Gunn says he has asked federal officials for about $110 million to improve security.