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It was a week for union conversations and also camaraderie for members and officers of BLET Division 28 in Tucson, Arizona. On April 18, the Division hosted National President Eddie A. Hall, First Vice President Mark L. Wallace, National Vice President Gary D. Best, and Union Pacific-Western Lines General Chairman Brian P. Carr for a regularly-scheduled Division meeting. Members in attendance engaged in a lengthy discussion with the National Division officers regarding a number of important topics, including C3RS, the new two-person crew regulation, ongoing quality of life issues, and the upcoming round of national contract negotiations.

On April 20, Division 28 hosted its annual Old Timers Picnic, a well-attended event for active and retired BLET members and their families. Division 28 is one of the largest Divisions in the BLET, representing more than 430 active and retired members.

See some photo highlights of the meeting and picnic.