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CLEVELAND, March 4 — As a follow up to the BLET’s February 25 News Flash, countless members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen have remained on the front lines in recent days and engaged in solidarity rallies to oppose the war on workers in Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states.

Many of the rallies took place on February 26, when noontime protests were held in all 50 state capitals as a sign of solidarity for union workers in Wisconsin battling collective bargaining restriction measures.

In Wisconsin, workers have been continually protesting around the clock for weeks now.

In Ohio, large rallies were held on February 22 and March 1 to protest the gutting of collective bargaining rights for public sector unions, including police officers, fire fighters and teachers.

To see BLET members in action during rallies in Ohio, Wisconsin, Kansas, California and Arizona, please visit the following: