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CLEVELAND, January 30 — The BLET’s Education and Training Department is hosting an expanded Secretary-Treasurer Training Class in Cleveland from March 10-March 13, 2014. For the first time, this expanded class will also provide training to Division Presidents and Division Trustees.

All Secretary-Treasurers for Divisions, State Legislative Boards and General Committees of Adjustment are invited to attend, along with Division Presidents and Division Trustees (on a space available basis). Space is limited so those who are interested should register as soon as possible. Those who wish to attend must register for the workshop online through the BLET website at:

The workshop will begin at 5 p.m. on Monday March 10, followed by full-day sessions from Tuesday (March 11) through Thursday (March 13). Thursday’s class will conclude at 5 p.m. and will be followed by a banquet at 6 p.m. The training will take place at the Hyatt Regency Cleveland at the Arcade (420 Superior Ave.).

Officers will receive training in a number of areas, including how to use the BLET National Division’s web-based system for membership reporting. During the three solid day sessions, members will also learn proper record keeping techniques, minute-taking, and methods for filing various Department of Labor, and Railroad Retirement reports. The class will also focus on filing Internal Revenue Service Federal tax reports. Officers will also receive training on tools to make their jobs easier, such as, Excel spreadsheets and registers. This will take place Monday March 10 at 5 p.m. Check out from the Hyatt is noon on Friday, March 14.

BLET National Secretary-Treasurer William C. Walpert, who serves as Director of the BLET Education & Training Department, said the Cleveland workshop will help Secretary-Treasurers prepare to properly file their annual Department of Labor reports, which are due on March 30, 2014. He said some changes have been implemented since last year regarding the filing of LM reports, and that these changes will be explained in class.

In addition to NST Walpert, workshop presenters will include; Jason Wright, Special Representative and Coordinator of the Education & Training Department; Dr. Elaine Reese, Director of Compliance (taxes); Louise Reich, Director of Records; and Walt Schmidt, Director of Online Services.

Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will qualify for a $129 per day stipend from the North American Railway Foundation (NARF). The stipends will be paid directly to the Division.

The North American Railway Foundation is a non-profit operating foundation formed by the Brotherhood’s Relief and Compensation Fund (BR&CF) to support rail history, education, safety and technology in the United States and Canada. With initial funding and continued Board of Directors stewardship coming from the BR&CF, NARF has supported many varied non-political projects throughout the United States and Canada over the past 16 years. The primary focus of these efforts has been in support of organized rail labor… giving back to all of the men and women of the railroad community across North America.

Those interested in attending the workshop must register online through the BLET website at:

After registering online, workshop attendees will receive an e-mail confirmation that will include hotel registration information. The BLET National Division pays the costs of books and equipment, while those who attend are responsible for their transportation costs as well as their room and board.

For more information, please contact Jason Wright / BLET Education & Training Dept. at (216) 296-4447 or