July 31, 2024 | Amtrak, DOT, Headlines
(Source: Trains.com, July 27, 2024) Eight members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation have again written Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, asking for federal intervention in the ongoing service issues on the Northeast Corridor. Full story:...
May 21, 2024 | DOT, Headlines, High Speed Rail
(Source: Smart Cities Dive, May 17, 2024) An air of optimism prevailed at this year’s U.S. High Speed Rail conference, held May 14-15 in Washington, D.C. With the Las Vegas to Southern California line starting construction, the California project continuing to...
May 15, 2024 | Amtrak, Commuter Rail, DOT, FRA, Headlines
(Source: Federal Railroad Administration press release, May 14, 2024) The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that makes available over $2 billion in Federal-State Partnership...
April 8, 2024 | 2-man Crews, DOT, Headlines
(Source: Forbes, April 4, 2024) Once the Department of Transportation (DOT) on Tuesday unveiled new rules requiring two-member crews on board most freight trains, three U.S. pilot unions raised the question: Can the same policy continue for aircraft? “Requiring two...
April 3, 2024 | 2-man Crews, DOT, FRA, News, Railroad Safety
Pictured: BLET VP & NLR Vince Verna during a DOT press conference announcing the two-person crew regulation on April 2. In the background, from left, is David Hoagland, President, Washington D.C. Firefighters Association, IAFF, Local 36, and Pete Buttigieg,...
April 1, 2024 | DOT, FRA, Headlines
(Source: Federal Railroad Administration press release, March 29, 2024) The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that makes available over $2.4 billion in Consolidated Rail...
March 14, 2024 | DOT, East Palestine-NS, FRA, Headlines, Railroad Safety
(Source: Associated Press, March 12, 2024) Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has reiterated his concerns about railroad safety and scolded the industry for not doing more to improve since last year’s fiery Ohio derailment. In a new letter to the freight...
February 13, 2024 | DOT, East Palestine-NS, News, Railroad Safety
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: “Just basic common sense to me says that you at least want to have two people on board a train that might be carrying hazardous materials, that might be going at a high speed through communities.” IBT Image ____________________...
January 24, 2024 | DOT, Headlines, High Speed Rail
(Source: U.S. Department of Transportation press release, January 23, 2024) The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today announced the approval of $2.5 billion in private activity bonds authority allocated for the Brightline West High-Speed Intercity Passenger...
January 4, 2024 | DOT, Headlines
(Source: Trains.com analysis by Bill Stephens, January 3, 2024) Why is it that no one notices railroads until there’s a derailment, blocked grade crossing, or a massive supply chain problem like we saw in 2022? Full story: Trains.com