FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The Associated Press circulated the following article on March 14.)

WASHINGTON — A federal regulatory board has ruled that the D.C. government doesn’t have the authority to ban trains with hazardous cargos to prevent terrorism.

The Surface Transportation Board says the city’s ban on such trains is pre-empted by federal law. It’s ruling states that the D.C. legislation interferes with interstate commerce and could lead other cities to try to create their own bans.

CSX Transportation has filed suit against the city, and a court hearing is set for March 23rd.

Today’s decision doesn’t invalidate the D.C. law, but it can be used in court.

D.C. Council member Kathy Patterson says federal officials haven’t done anything to prevent these trains from being a weak spot for terrorists. She says she’s optimistic that the city’s argument will win in court.