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Members and guests at the Arkansas SLB’s quadrennial meeting on October 11-12, 2023. Brother D.W. Denson (front row, center) thanked the numerous National Division, GCA, and SLB officers who were in attendance.

Brother D.W. (Wayne) Denson, a member of BLET Division 182 (North Little Rock, Ark.), was reelected to his third term as Chairman at the Arkansas State Legislative Board’s quadrennial meeting in North Little Rock, Ark., October 11-12, 2023.

The BLET’s Arkansas State Legislative Board represents nearly 800 active and retired members in six Divisions.

Also reelected during the meeting were: 1st Vice Chairman Jeff S. McKenzie, Division 524 (Van Buren, Ark.); 2nd Vice Chairman Norman L. Guitreau, Division 585 (North Little Rock, Ark.); Secretary-Treasurer Earles Carpenter, Division 858 (Pine Bluff, Ark.); and Alternate Secretary-Treasurer Kevin R. Lunnie, Division 278 (North Little Rock, Ark.). The SLB’s Trustees are: Jeff S. McKenzie, Division 524 (Van Buren, Ark.); Jason M. Seay, Division 116 (Batesville, Ark.); and Kevin R. Lunnie, Division 278 (North Little Rock, Ark.). Brother Carpenter has served the Board as Secretary-Treasurer since 2013.

Brother Denson was elected 1st Vice Chairman of the Arkansas SLB in 2016 and was elevated to the office of Chairman in 2018. He was reelected in 2019 and now 2023. BLET Vice President & National Legislative Representative Vince Verna thanked and congratulated Brother Denson.