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Brother Dean Devita, President of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers, 32BJ, SEIU, announced on October 19 that he is retiring effective December 31, 2023. Brother Devita became President of the NCFO on October 1, 2020. He was one of the featured speakers at the BLET’s 150th anniversary celebration in Detroit in 2013. On October 9, 2023, the NCFO Executive Board voted to merge the Secretary-Treasurer position with the President’s position. The NCFO Executive Board voted Michael Pistone to fill the remainder of the current three-year term. Brother Devita has been a member of NCFO for over 35 years. He said: “I am extremely confident that President Elect Pistone and his team will move forward our union to protect our members for decades to come. I want to thank the NCFO members for allowing me to lead this great union. It is a great union, only because the NCFO has great members who make it a great union. God Bless the NCFO and God Bless the Labor Movement.”