A total of 52 BLET Secretary-Treasurers participated in online refresher sessions hosted by the BLET Education & Training Department last week. The training on February 6 and February 8 helped Secretary-Treasurers prepare their LM-3 or LM-4 reports for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS).
The Education & Training Department hosted similar online refresher sessions in December 2023 to help Secretary-Treasurers with year-end reporting requirements. More than 80 BLET Division, General Committee of Adjustment, and State Legislative Board Secretary-Treasurers took part in that training.
“Our Zoom sessions are a convenient tool for our Secretary-Treasurers, and the BLET Education & Training Department will continue to host them as the need arises,” said BLET National Secretary-Treasurer David Estes, who heads the Education & Training Department. “We will also continue to utilize technology in order to supplement our in-person classes with hybrid attendance options moving forward.”
In addition to Brother Estes, National Division staffers taking part in the training included Sister Megan Mead, Director of Records and Compliance, and Walt Schmidt, Director of Online Services.