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LAS VEGAS, October 8 — Convention planners are completing final preparations for the opening ceremonies of the BLET’s Fifth National Convention, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Officers and staff from the BLET National Division began arriving on-site on October 3 for the preparation week leading up to the convention. Production and technical crews are currently building the stage and convention floor area as well as establishing the audio and video components necessary to conduct the upcoming convention. The crews will also set up the electronic keypad system for delegates to use when voting on resolutions to amend the BLET Bylaws.

At the same time, members of the BLET’s standing committees — Bylaws, Credentials, Legislative, Salaries and Work — are performing their specified tasks in the run up to Monday’s opening ceremonies. The Arrangements Committee also is assisting in the ramp up to Monday.

The BLET’s Fifth National Convention will be held at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. Delegate registration begins on Sunday, October 9, and the convention itself starts on Monday, October 10. It concludes on Thursday, October 13. Approximately 435 delegates will represent over 57,000 locomotive engineers, trainmen, and non-operating craft members throughout the United States. They will be charged with nominating candidates for National Division office, analyzing and voting on changes to the Brotherhood’s bylaws, and various other important duties.

Delegates will hear reports from various BLET National Division officers. Also, a number of governmental and union leaders are scheduled to address the delegates.

“A great deal of work has gone into planning this meeting, and I thank all involved officers, staff, and members of the Standing Committees for their dedication. It is truly appreciated,” BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce said. “It has been my goal, and that of the BLET Advisory Board, to put on the most well-organized convention possible so that our delegates may conduct the important work of our Brotherhood in the most professional and efficient manner possible. Our efforts are culminating here this week in Las Vegas. We have a great deal of hard work ahead of us and I look forward to working with our delegates as we conduct the business of our Brotherhood.”

As the convention unfolds, regular news updates and photographs will be provided at and .