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(Full story: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 24, 2012)

MADISON, Wisc. — Gov. Scott Walker received $1 million from just four donors from Texas and Missouri in recent weeks to fight an expected recall election.

Most of the impressive sums being given to support the Republican governor came from out of state – a criticism he has leveled frequently in the past year against his union opponents.

Giving $250,000 each were Bob Perry, owner of Houston-based Perry Homes and a chief backer of the Swift Boat Veterans ads against Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 race for president; David Humphreys, president of Missouri-based Tamko Roofing Products; Sarah Atkins, a quality consultant for the same company; and Stanley Herzog, chairman and CEO of Missouri-based Herzog Contracting Corp., a highway and railroad construction company.

Full story: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel