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(Source: The Hill, August 29, 2012)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The platform approved by Republicans on Tuesday calls for the elimination of funding for Amtrak passenger rail service, privatizing airport security screening “wherever possible” and stopping the use of money earmarked for highway construction for other purposes.

The more than 30,000-word document was approved on the first full day of the 2012 GOP convention in Tampa, Fla. It includes many provisions that were pushed by Republicans in the House during recent negotiations over the new $105 billion transportation bill that was approved by lawmakers in June.

The GOP platform takes a harsh tack on Amtrak in particular, which has been a frequent target of Republicans on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

“Amtrak continues to be, for the taxpayers, an extremely expensive railroad,” the GOP platform says. “The public has to subsidize every ticket nearly $50. It is long past time for the federal government to get out of way and allow private ventures to provide passenger service to the northeast corridor. The same holds true with regard to high-speed and intercity rail across the country.”

Full story: The Hill