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(Source: Official statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa, December 7, 2012)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa issued the following statement today regarding the underhanded tactics by millionaires in Michigan to force so-called “right to work” legislation on Michiganders:

“The ugly battle to force right-to-work-for-less legislation on Michiganders is being waged by multimillionaires and their outsider consultants who are increasingly taking hold of our government. It’s outrageous that the ultra rich behind this scheme are strong-arming state politicians with dirty tactics, including threatening to run candidates against them, if they do not vote for the ploy.

“Michigan residents know better than to support the ruse of ‘right to work.’ They know it doesn’t create jobs. It lowers our standard of living and hurts the middle class. Those aren’t Michigan’s values.

“We have a proud history here of creating a level playing field for both workers and employers. In our state, a fair day’s work means a fair day’s pay. Here, we believe that workers and employers alike should benefit from a company’s success. So we will fight like hell against this power grab by the corporate elite because it is wrong for our great state.”

Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union represents more than 1.4 million hardworking men and women in the United States and Canada. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters or on Facebook at