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(Source: Official statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa, October 23, 2012)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — “Last night’s debate offered a clear view into the differences between President Obama and Mitt Romney on issues of importance to working families. Romney’s weak attempts to deflect attention from his positions on China and the auto bailout are just two of the best examples.

“Right now, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital is forcing American workers at Sensata in Freeport, Illinois to train their Chinese replacements as the equipment is boxed up and the plant is moved to China. This isn’t the first time a Bain company has been off-shored and it certainly isn’t the last.

“And despite his constant equivocations on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney was loud and clear in his opposition to the President’s plan to save the auto industry at the time. He said to let Detroit go bankrupt. He didn’t stand up for working families then and he isn’t standing up for working families now. This is the same Mitt Romney who recently recounted a ‘humorous’ story about his father shutting down an auto plant and laying off thousands of workers.

“President Obama is standing up to China and stood up for auto workers and working families across our great nation. I applaud him for giving a voice to those who otherwise would remain silent.”

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and on Facebook