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(The following by Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa appeared on the Huffington Post website on March 24, 2011.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Fasten your seatbelts — because Wisconsin was just the beginning! We are ramping up our fight in the war on American workers and the assault on the middle class by taking to the streets in Los Angeles on Saturday.

It’s not just about red states and blue states, it’s not about public sector versus private sector workers, and it’s not about any of the other propaganda that gets thrown around to divide Americans. It’s about all of us. We are one, and we are coming together in L.A. to take the offensive!

This is a national fight that transcends statehouses and boardrooms, and we won’t stand by while the billionaires, executives, bankers and politicians come and take what little remains for American workers. We are taking the fight to them.

Saturday, March 26 at 10AM, thousands of hard working Angelenos and their families will hit the streets, gathering at the L.A. Convention Center at 12th and Figueroa and marching through the heart of downtown to a massive rally in Pershing Square. We will raise the volume at stops along the way, so that the nation hears the voices of individual workers and their struggles. If you want to do something, if you want your voice to be heard, if you want to be a part of this fight: JOIN US!

The entire column is on the Huffington Post website.