BLET members have sent more than 2,500 messages in support of the bipartisan REEF Act (S. 1274) to members of the United States Senate since the bill was passed by the Senate Budget Committee on March 6.
The Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness Act, or the REEF Act, would restore full Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) benefits to railroad workers by removing the harmful sequester that was implemented in 2013. Congress wrongfully has taken money from Railroad Retirement since 2013, following passage of the Budget Control Act (BCS), which triggered automatic spending cuts. The problem is that Railroad Retirement is fully funded by taxes on railroad workers and railroad employers, so cuts to benefits does nothing to reduce federal spending. The REEF Act rights this wrong.
Add your name to the growing list of BLET members who are urging the Senate to act by using the Take Action legislative outreach tool on the National Division website. A pre-written statement can be sent to your Senators in support of the REEF Act (S. 1274), or you can take the time to craft your own personalized story.