BLET members are being encouraged to attend a series of public meetings to make their voices heard regarding fair treatment for NJ Transit’s locomotive engineers.
NJ Transit will hold 10 scheduled in-person public meetings in 10 New Jersey counties — including morning and evening sessions — beginning Monday, March 4 through Friday, March 8, to allow for public comments before the plan for a 15 percent fare increase goes up for vote by the NJ Transit Board of Directors.
NJ Transit hasn’t given its locomotive engineers a raise since 2019, but somehow found more than a half-billion dollars (billion with a B) for a lavish new office building for its execs. BLET has worked to expose NJ Transit’s misplaced priorities with a public campaign that includes the slogan: “Millions for penthouse views, not a dime for train crews.”
BLET has taken a strike vote — approved unanimously by the members at NJT — and another round of mediation is scheduled between the commuter railroad and the union at the National Mediation Board in Washington next month.
During the March public meetings, BLET members will be sending a message that there shouldn’t be fare increases without fair treatment for locomotive engineers. Please join us. If you are in the area and can volunteer to attend one or more of the public meetings, please email
If you cannot make it to the meetings, send in comments for the record at The public comment period will be open until 11:59 p.m., Friday, March 8.