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(Source: Mother Jones, October 16, 2012)

On Tuesday night, at the town hall-style debate at Hofstra University, a fierce and passionate President Obama challenged Mitt Romney repeatedly: On Romney’s tax plan (whatever it may be). On Romney’s crass effort to politicize the attack on US diplomats in Libya. On Romney’s past investments in firms outsourcing in China. In one early exchange, Obama rolled Romney’s opposition to the auto-bailout, his record at Bain Capital, and his proposed tax cuts for the wealthy into one answer — merging Romney’s various liabilities into a single, integrated assault. Four times Obama said to Romney, “That’s not true.” In one critical exchange, moderator Candy Crowley felt compelled to back up the president, when Obama challenged Romney’s assertion that it took him a fortnight to declare the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism. The president had labeled it as such the day afterward.

Full story: Mother Jones