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(Source: The Patriot-News, October 17, 2012)

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Few of us like paying taxes, including state income taxes. But when we see that deduction on our pay stub, at least we have the comfort of knowing we are supporting schools and universities, roads and transit and courts and public safety.

But what if your income taxes didn’t go to the state treasury? What if your taxes were a gift to your boss? Pennsylvania House Bill 2626, presently under consideration, would allow certain companies to keep up to 95 percent of the income taxes paid by their workers.

We are not making this up. HB 2626, with the warm and fuzzy name “Promoting Employment Across Pennsylvania” program, or PEP, could mean that over time thousands of Pennsylvanians would start paying state income taxes to their bosses. Diverting personal income taxes in the name of economic development violates the way job incentives have been defined.

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