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INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, August 25 — BLET Local Chairmen and Secretary-Treasurers are encouraged to register as soon as possible for training courses scheduled for September 2017.

In July, the BLET’s Education & Training Department announced its Fall Training Schedule for 2017, and space remains for the following classes: Local Chairman Class, September 10-15, 2017; and the Secretary-Treasurer Class, September 25-28 2017. The Secretary-Treasurer class features an expanded curriculum and is geared toward Secretary-Treasurers serving General Committees of Adjustment, State Legislative Boards, and Local Divisions.

Members can register for these classes through the updated BLET Education & Training Department registration site. Classes will be held at the BLET National Division Headquarters’ Training Center in Independence, Ohio, and are designed to help our elected officers develop and hone the skills necessary to provide the best representation possible to our membership.

Registration for these classes is on a first-come, first-served basis and class space is limited so don’t delay in registering for your spot. Even though we encourage all alternate officers to apply for classes, priority will be given to those officers that hold the position the class is designed for. Registration for these classes will close soon, and we will immediately start filling remaining spots with alternates and vice officers who have applied.

For more details, please read the BLET News Flash of July 26, 2017.